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Why Choose Us?

Experience and reputation are everything in this business and we have both. Metro Investigations employs only the most seasoned investigators and we are extremely picky. Our people are required to be current or former law enforcement or be extraordinary in some other way that will make them an asset to you. Most even have college degrees in addition to years of public law enforcement experience. Everyone we hire is held to a very high standard.

The owners have 45 years of combined law enforcement experience and possess the knowledge, skills and abilities to get what is needed without running afoul of the law. That experience saves you money because they know where to go to get information without a bunch of unnecessary steps. Green investigators are always cheaper on the hourly rate than seasoned pros because you are paying for their learning curve. In the long run, inexperience can ruin your case and cost you much more money with all things considered. If your case goes to court, several sitting Judges were clients when they were in private practice, so they know the quality of our people and work product. That said, our investigators are respected by the Courts.

If you are shopping strictly by hourly rates, we are not the cheapest nor the most expensive choice. We believe in being a good value for the money. However, quality people with experience cost and we do not cut corners.

"Our Private Investigators are former or current law enforcement officers, with decades of professional investigative experience."

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